
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm selling my house but still got debt with the bank. So how to calculate the zakat that I hav

Example that my selling price is about RM 60,000.00 then my bank loan that still owe to the bank RM 22,000.00. So how much I have to pay zakat.

I'm selling my house but still got debt with the bank. So how to calculate the zakat that I have to pay.?

I'm not sure if this will help. But I found this link for you on the internet.

Good Luck

How may I get a loan, using my Chesapeake Bay island as collateral?

Most people who own a house %26amp;, have equity in their house, can get a bank loan (home equity loan, line of credit, etc.) by using their combination of house %26amp; land as collateral.

My situation is that I own an island in the Chesapeake Bay, %26amp; it is just land, but no house. I would like to get a home equity loan for let's say $100,000... but, I can't do that because a home equity loan requires you to have a %26quot;home%26quot; (house).

So, my question is... %26quot;How do I get a loan against my property%26quot;. The island may be worth a million dollars, or more, but if the banks and lending institutions have their way, I can't borrow even a single penny against it.

Short of building a house on the island, how can I find a way to borrow against it?

How may I get a loan, using my Chesapeake Bay island as collateral?

Really?! I know lots of people who own only land and use it for collateral against a loan all the time. Any bank should be able to accommodate you, I'm sure. Banks LOVE to loan money ... that's their bread and butter!

How may I get a loan, using my Chesapeake Bay island as collateral?

Have you looked into a land loan? That's the main way of doing it. But the bank needs to believe that the land is worth what you say it is.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

As i am never home due to work related things and more then likely would miss any phone calls verifying there decision.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

I agree with Andnelgill. Natwest offer quick simple services.

You will not be rejected if you can honestly afford the repayments.

If you are worried about bad credit history, do a reference on yourself! The company behind all credit histories, (and the guys you have to go to if someone has given you a bad rating) is 'Expirian'. They have a website and for a few quid you can find out your own credit history.

Honest affordability and good credit: a bank would be daft not to lend.


If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

Depends on the bank, the amount, the state of your account and how they generally feel about you.

I got instant approval with HSBC for a 5 grand loan on a car, it was put into my account in less than 2 hours so it can be done.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

Usually you apply online and you have to wait a week or so to hear back from them. they usualy write to you with the decision.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

You know Friend, we can not borrow ourselves out of debt

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

With most major banks, you should be able to discuss basic loan approvals over the phone, and get an approval %26quot;in principle%26quot;. I did this over the phone with my bank regarding a mortgage discussion and it was easy.

Check out your bank's website, but you can probably just give them a ring to find out if you qualify for their loan programs.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

normally you would have to make an appointment with your bank, and then they tell you after they have had details from you. You could get a mobile, then you wouldn't miss any calls

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

yes you can with Nat west

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

this site has many bank and financial source loan info. if you want visit. it's easy:***********

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

Yep, I've had instant loan decisions from HSBC no problem.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

Call ahead and confirm, see if they have an underwriter at your location... they should be able to do it. Make sure you are well prepared and provide EVERYTHING they ask of you upfront. Our company staffs underwriters and can provide you with a legitimate approval decision.

typical document checklist,

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

yes, in almost all situations if you apply instore you can get an instant descion.

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

i work at a bank, and people come in all the time, and leave with a loan, so if you were to go and talk to a loan officer. yopu could actually leave there with a loan under your name, and they would just keep calling or on a cell phone? hope it helped,,,, good luck

If i went to my registered bank could i get a decision on a loan there and then?

If you want to know what your credit rating looks like before you go this page is a god introduction to checking your own file-

What is separation of property agreement? Why the bank ask it when I apply for loan agreement? Any s

It is a document stating what you and your spouse are going to be responsible for (especially financially) during the separation and after divorce. Banks want to know what your standing is, is going to be, and so forth. Not all states require it, but some companies will do nothing without it. You can get one online for free and fill it out and get it notarized. Or you can pay a lawyer to draft one for you.

It is a good thing to have for divorce, it eliminates a lot of BS.

What is separation of property agreement? Why the bank ask it when I apply for loan agreement? Any sample?

If you are divorced, there is somewhere a document for the disposition of property. It says what is yours and what is your spouse's. It could be in an agreement if the divorce was uncontested or it could be in the decree if the divorce was contested. Banks want to see it because you might have been ordered to pay debts that do not appear on your credit report, or you could have been ordered to pay alimony, or you could be claiming assets that have been assigned to someone else.

I need a loan but do not have a bank account i am a sub contractor I make descent money but still no

I was out of work for some time but now things have picked up I can afford to pay out about $250.00 to $300.00 aweek to pay theloan back I fell behind on my rent so it is really necessary that I get the money my credit is fair but I am behind some payments on the two cards that I have is there any place out there that will take a chance on me?

I need a loan but do not have a bank account i am a sub contractor I make descent money but still no luck?

Do you have a home, a car or a truck? A lender will let you use them as collateral. Try

I need a loan but do not have a bank account i am a sub contractor I make descent money but still no luck?

If you're willing to spend some time explaining your situation and going over your budget and your plan, the best shot might be people to people lending, Advise the interest rate you're willing to pay, be realistic and offer a higher interest rate to have a chance, and go over your budget in detail. Remember, you're appealing to people not corporations, they'll be more open to explanations but you have to show you have a plan and their money won't be going down a rat hole. And stick to it (the plan).

Your current delinquency will make it exceedingly difficult to qualify for any traditional lender, unless you're offering low LTV equity as collateral.

I'm an underwriting manager at a large bank and a lender on

I need a loan but do not have a bank account i am a sub contractor I make descent money but still no luck?

Why don%26quot;t you approach a private lender?I got my loan from a certain agency i met here in yahoo answers.Their interest rate of 0.2% is simply great..Why don%26quot;t you try there?

You can contact them with their email,

Credit question.......defaulted student there any hope?

I have a 15 year credit history. The first 13 years were perfect. I had a couple auto loans, a few credit cards, a couple bank loans. i did everything right and my credit was fantatic.

Then, I put my college loans into deferment for a year. When the year was up, I didn't recieve anything about the loan. I started making calls. To my school, to the loan company, the credit reporting agencies, other loan companies, etc. This literally went on for months. What I was consistently told was that I had no loan. I knew i did, but even asking to talk with managers got me nowhere. I ordered a copy of my credit, nothing listed. I mistakenly gave up.

Two years later, I ordered a credit report and there it was, my defaulted loan. I immediatly contacted the collection agency and started making payments. The total is now about $30000 more than my original amount.

My credit is a low 400 now and I've been told, %26quot;too bad%26quot;. I have no other loans or credit cards. What do I do?

Credit question.......defaulted student there any hope?

You are going to have to start a business that only requires the capital you can scratch up and slowly build from there as the revenue comes in.

As far as the part with your student loan, I think you will have a 7-10 year waiting period before you outlive what sounds like a real bad situation.

Credit question.......defaulted student there any hope?

There are two sources for student loans -- the federal government and private lenders. In order to obtain most federal student loans, you will first need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In most%26lt;!--instances the FAFSA is required for all federal financial aid including federal student loans. Deferment options are available while you are still attending school at least half-time. There are four main federal loan programs.

Federal loan consolidation is for students who are in repayment status or parents who wish to extend the repayment period on their current PLUS and obtain a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan--%26gt;you can combine all of your eligible federal student loans into one loan with a Federal Consolidation Loan. Consolidating also locks the interest rate you pay on your loan.

Credit question.......defaulted student there any hope?

I have a 15 year credit history. The first 13 years were perfect. I had a couple auto loans, a few credit cards, a couple bank loans. i did everything right and my credit was fantatic.

Then, I put my college loans into deferment for a year. When the year was up, I didn't recieve anything about the loan. I started making calls. To my school, to the loan company, the credit reporting agencies, other loan companies, etc. This literally went on for months. What I was consistently told was that I had no loan. I knew i did, but even asking to talk with managers got me nowhere. I ordered a copy of my credit, nothing listed. I mistakenly gave up.

Two years later, I ordered a credit report and there it was, my defaulted loan. I immediatly contacted the collection agency and started making payments. The total is now about $30000 more than my original amount.

My credit is a low 400 now and I've been told, %26quot;too bad%26quot;. I have no other loans or credit cards. What do I do?

Credit question.......defaulted student there any hope?

You are going to have to start a business that only requires the capital you can scratch up and slowly build from there as the revenue comes in.

As far as the part with your student loan, I think you will have a 7-10 year waiting period before you outlive what sounds like a real bad situation.

Credit question.......defaulted student there any hope?

There are two sources for student loans -- the federal government and private lenders. In order to obtain most federal student loans, you will first need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In most%26lt;!--instances the FAFSA is required for all federal financial aid including federal student loans. Deferment options are available while you are still attending school at least half-time. There are four main federal loan programs.

Federal loan consolidation is for students who are in repayment status or parents who wish to extend the repayment period on their current PLUS and obtain a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan--%26gt;you can combine all of your eligible federal student loans into one loan with a Federal Consolidation Loan. Consolidating also locks the interest rate you pay on your loan.




1-family 2-friends -3 MAFIA LOAN SHARK


DO NOT take any Loan offers from people that post on this board... they are ALL SCAMS.


You cannot get a loan with out a bank is that simple.


You are going to attract scammers in Yahoo Answers with a question like that.

If you cannot get a loan thru a bank or other financial institution then there is usually a pretty good reason why you are being turned down. The people who will step up to give you a loan in a situation like that generally are not concerned with your well being. In fact, most want to bleed you dry.

You have announced that you are desparate. Very poor negotiating tactic. When the rabbit screams, the fox comes a running, but not to help. The people who will tell you they will give you a loan are wanting to scam you.

Ways it will go down.

1. ID theft. To get a loan you will have to fill out paperwork or go online and fill out a form. You will probably give your name, social security number, birthdate, and mother's maiden name without any concern or second thought. The scammers know this and they steal the ID.

2. Having you pay upfront for a loan. Many places charge a loan processing fee or something like that. Usually less than $50 or so. In fact, the ones I have seen are about $25. However, the scammers will want much, much more than that. Hundreds or thousands of dollars. They will tell you they need that up front to get the loan going. You pay. They disappear.

3. You don't have a bank account but if a loan place told you that you needed a checking account for them to electronically deposit the loan, then you may go off and see if you can open a simple checking account somewhere. The scammer will then use the bank information you provide them to use the account for illegal purposes.

4. Get you to fall for some other scam. The check cashing scam. The shipping scam. The nigerian letter scam. A person may contact you with a proposition or a possible job that could %26quot;help%26quot; you out. They will get you to fall for one of the many other scams out there.

What you need to do is figure out why you %26quot;really need%26quot; a loan. There are usually other ways to get the money. Sometimes, you may have to go without for a while. Cut back on unneeded expenses. Go with cheaper grocery selections. No cigarettes or alcohol. Sell your electronics. Cut out using cable. Get rid of the cell phone. There are tons of little expenses that really add up in a person's life.

Also, you need to learn more about personal finance. Go to the library and check out the books on that subject. Stay away from the %26quot;how to make a million in real estate or stocks or frog skins or whatever%26quot; selections. If you can, get the Personal Finance for Dummies or the Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance. Those books will break down the basics for you and give you a starting point.

A loan is what seems like an instant fix but in most cases it is just making things worse.


First of all Ma, you need to get a bank account, if you have bounced checks %26amp; can't get 1 here's a bank that will help you with a second chance checking account.

If you need money you will have to borrow it for now from friends %26amp; family. If not try working a few nights as a waitress @ a club if you are nice looking or just a nice person you can make some extra money real fast without the extra stuff!

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

If you are unable to open a bank account, this most likely means that you have had trouble with a bank account in the past, and have written bad checks and/or have outstanding fees owed to the bank! Most banks share that information, and if one bank has closed your account, another one will look really hard at you before they will allow you to open an account with them.

With bad credit and outstanding bank fees, no bank or major lender will loan you money! You may be able to purchase a vehicle at a %26quot;Buy here - Pay here%26quot; dealer. Expect to pay a high finance rate, seeing as the rate is based on the risk that they are taking!

You will need to have some money to put down. Depending on the dealer, you will need 25%-50% of the price of the car as a down payment!

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

Very unlikely.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

most likely you won't have the best of luck good credit is everything

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

Not from any major lender, but there are places (like the buy here pay here) where they don't run your credit. Usually you pay a huge down payment, and hefty monthly payments for a used vehicle in those situations. Generally, try to pay off your debt you owe to the bank, and save up a few grand....Money up front counts for 80% of the decision anyway.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?


Sure, by %26quot;Louie the Loan Shark%26quot;.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

There are some dealers who would probably extend financing to you at very high rates. Honestly you might do better off saving up and paying cash.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

Yes, that's not an issue. You can get a car loan. Visit my answer page and click on our club link and register. We work with people with bad or destroyed credit and we can get you anything you want or need. As well as a new credit file and an opportunity to start your credit life over again ... LEGALLY!!! ... Don't sweat it, getting a car loan is a piece of cake!!!!

Much Love

Peace %26amp; Happiness

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

i have seen t.v. ads that say you can, but don't know that i'd want to go there. i can't even begin to imagine what the terms would be.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

hard luck buddy!

however maybe there will be finance companies that might provide you loan with an exuberant interest rate.. question is do you want to.. can you afford to.. will you be able to payback..if not ! you only end up jacking up your credit big time once again.. so i guess your option is to get a cycle..

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

I think it would depend on what kind of account your looking for. Speak to a bank agent, you should be able to work something out. After all money is money to the banks.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

A second mortgage is the preferred option if you have a one time big expense you need to cover. Examples of this include remodeling your kitchen, paying for a wedding, or buying a new car. In these instances a second mortgage will probably work best for you

For more info about %26quot;bad credit%26quot; second mortgage, pls visit

Dorm Loan.?


My sister is attending the university, and she lives in a dorm.

However, she told me that the dorm fee charges $10,000 each year by a bank loan.

If she stays in a dorm for four years (including this year), she should pay $80,000 to her bank by the time she graduates the university.

I think something is wrong with that calculation because the fee is too much. If that is true, it looks that a bank's interest is too high.

How come the $40,000 doubles up to $80,000 in four years?

And, how can a dorm charges $10,000 each year when she covers it by a bank loan?

Dorm Loan.?

Maybe she meant per semester. But then again it's a rather steep price. I know our fees are only 6.000 a semester, so maybe she just means by the time she pays it back in which case would be just as you pointed out, quite a hefty interest rate.

Dorm Loan.?

yeah i think it might be the interest being really high...the longer u wait to pay the more u have to pay. interest rates should be around 6% and up?

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what ca

Job or no job no bank will loan a 15 year old 1500 dollars.

Have you talked to your parents about what ever it is you want to buy so desperately?

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

Why would they loan you any money if you can not prove that you can pay it back.

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

There is no possible way a bank would load a 15 year old kid that kind of money. Besides what does a 15 year old need with 1500 dollars.

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

What are you trying to run away or something?Plane ticket perhaps?

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

you can not get a loan.

suggest u visit library. plenty of books to show u how to earn extra cash age appropiate.

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

Not possible

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

If you are thinking about getting a loan, then you should know about the basics before you get started. If you understand the basic dos and don閳ユ獩s of loans, then you will be better equipped to find the best loan for your needs. Whatever type of loan you are applying for, you should follow these basic rules to help you find the best deal. When searching for a loan, it pays to do your research. Look for as many suitable lenders as you can, so that you can find the very best deal. There are many online pages that%26lt;!--allow you to compare loan rates from a variety of lenders. As well as looking online, check out your high street banks and mortgage lenders for deals too. You may find the loan that you need here,

If possible, try and avoid taking out secured loans. If the amount you need to borrow is small or you have good enough credit to borrow without collateral, then do so. Although unsecured loans have higher rates, they are less risky because your home will not be at risk if you cannot make the payments.Try and take a loan out over the shortest period--%26gt;you can afford. Taking loans out over 10 years or more can be risky, and you cannot be sure what your financial situation will be at that time.

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

A 15 year old will not get a loan at the bank with or without a job. You are a minor and cannot legally enter into a contract with a bank to repay the money, therefore the bank will not loan you the money.

How can a 15 yr old get a loan or something of $1500 from the bank if she doesnt have a job? what can i do?

if you can marry my son then i will give you the loan for free.provided you are a ok.

Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

i am a little tight between checks and need cash now

Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

I don't think so

Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

I understand your situation. Fact is, no legit loan source is going to give you a loan without a job.

since your bankruptcy was two years ago it should not really inhibit you in securing a personal loan.....most credit card companies will give you a credit card six months after bankruptcy provided you have not incurred new debt and you have a job.

Whatever you situation is I don't know....but in order for you to get on with your life from a financial prospective, you need a full-time verifiable job.

And it would not hurt if you took $100 and opened a checking account.

I wish you luck. Often we just get outselves into a financial mess due to circumstances we did not control. You took the first step and had your debt discharged....but in order to succeed financially you need to find a job.

ALL best wishes to you.

Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

your chances are slim.. very slim

Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

Get a co-signer on a loan.... or sell some of your assets.....

We could all use a little extra cash right now!....


Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

I sure hope not.

The rest of us are already paying high enough interest, covering that last bankruptcy of yours. Get yourself a job, slacker.

Can i get a personal loan 2 years out of bankruptcy,unemployed and no bank account?

Ineed a loan iam on ssa ihave no bank account and my credit is bad i need to borrow 1000 irecieve 68

High risk loans can be found, but the interest rate you will pay will be EXORBITANT - up to 30%. Try to squirrel away a little bit of your income each month until you have what you need.


Ineed a loan iam on ssa ihave no bank account and my credit is bad i need to borrow 1000 irecieve 687 amonth

Nobody anywhere in thier right mind would post that loan. The risk is way, way too high. Im sure its not what you want to hear, but Im just trying to save you some time. Your only option here (if its an ooption at all) is borrow it from family or friends. Short of that, the mob wont even lend it to you without collateral. Do you own a car? If so you can try for an auto title loan. Good luck.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

First of all. They cannot put you in jail. This is not the middle ages and there is no debtor's prison. They also cannot garnish your wages. Only the federal government can do that for taxes or student loans. What they can do is seize your collateral and ruin your credit. You may find yourself in court and then you will receive a judgment against you. This will stay on your credit ten years instead of the usual seven. It can also be renewed.

Do not think that it is too late. Talk to your creditor or talk to one of those nonprofit finance counselors such as Consumer Credit Counseling Service. I've included a link. They do not charge for thier services.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

They will repo property, damage your credit, garnish wages, or kick your ***.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

Confiscation of personal assets/jail time are always a possibilty.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

Depending on the amount and where you are. Normally they would request for immediate settlement after which will be followed by bad debt dept. Then lawyer's letters anf finally, court summons.

Like I've said, it depends very much on the amount and your location.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

see you in the SUPREME COURT.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

Does not pay differs from default payments.

If you default due to some unforeseen problems, you will be requested to pay the dues with abnormal penalties by their collection agents. They give enough time for you to settle the dues. If you intend to cheat, then they will send legal notice, then court summons. Any how you must pay the dues to the bank to avoid unnecessary penalties and harrassments. And also your crediblity will be spoilt by giving your details to international defaulters list which will cause you that you can never get any loan from any other banks.

May God bless you to enable you to pay off the debts to get you peace of mind.

Good Luck !

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

Depends on what were the terms of lending. If there is a guarantor, the Bank can proceed to recover the dues from him. But, if it is loan with surety/security, the proposed action varies from Bank to Bank. If the loan is against a vehicle, it can repossess the vehicle.

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

To start with, the bank/lender could notify one or more of the credit reporting agencies AND their collection agency. When this happens you may be regarded as a poor credit risk. When this happens, you could be on a very slippery slope.

Any other lender, you may want to borrow money from, could require a much higher interest rate and/or may want a co-signer.

That second lender could have a credit report pulled for your co-signer - just the same as though your co-signor was applying for the loan you want.

IF your loan is approved - with your co-signor - your co-signor is just as responsible for your loan as you are. IF you default [fail to make a payment], the lender goes after your co-signor. Your co-signor pays for your inability to pay.

Your co-signor has to pay for your loan and be hassled by the collection agency AND your co-signor is reported to the credit reporting agency as a poor credit risk for YOUR loan. When this happens, your co-signor's poor credit rating is applied to all of his/her/their future loans. This is not a good position to be in, is it?

Is this fair for your co-signor? No. BUT your co-signor basically guaranteed your loan would be paid. So your co-signor's %26quot;head is on the chopping block%26quot;, for you, isn't it?

2] The lender could take you to court. This may put you on a higher, steeper, more slippery slope, for the reasons I previously stated.

PLUS A) the embarrassment of going to court.

B) Taking time off from work to be at a place you don't want to be.

C) Simply because your summons states a certain day, date and time, doesn't mean your case will be heard at that day, date and time. The court does things at the court's pace.

If your scheduled day, date and time is Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 10 AM, your case may not be heard until 3 PM or later OR your case may be continued to some future date[s].

Want to buy a home, a vacation home, a car, a second car, a boat, an investment property, etc.? Pay your bills on-time or ahead of time.

DON'T co-sign for anyone.

The morals to the situation:

A] Pay your own bills - on time or ahead of time.

B] DON'T co-sign for any one at any time, for any amount, for any reason.

C] When you find yourself in a financial bind, DON'T run from any one you owe money to. Call those folks before they call you. Be honest. DON'T tell your creditor(s) you'll pay them on or before a certain date - when you KNOW you won't have the money.

I wish you well.

Our Family Slogan: %26quot;Every Good Wish to You and Yours!%26quot; I wish you, your family and your friends nothing but the absolute best of everything life has to offer.

Very Truly Yours,

Ron Berue

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

If you go through the Loan application forms when you applied to the bank regarding what are all the ways they can collect the money they gave you, if you do not pay. Bank to bank the formalities are different. That is why elders like us warn young esters to verify and go through all the documents before you sign the papers in the bank papers . They will recover the amountt as per the legal act., and one day or other you will have pay and you can not escape my dear friend. Better you start repaying the amoun t and at least you go and meet the manager of the bank to excuse you for sometime till you start paying the dues.They will give you time to repay the amount you borrowed . All the best Yours VRVRAO

What legal actions does bank takes if someone does not repay personal loan?

This answer shall not be construed as suggestions for becoming an intentional defulter and get away with it unharmed or least harmed. It is only to provide in an acdemic scenario and as an educative measure for abiding by law. From the name, I infer, the query is in Indian context and answer is accordingly:

Normal procedure:-

(1) Issuing instalment due notice (2) Issuing reminders (3) Writing stern letter (4) Writing warning letter (5) Issuing legal notice (optional) (6) Issuing notice under the SARFESI Act, if liability exceeds Rs. 1 lahh,for attahment of securities pledged or hypothecated to the Bank. (7) Physically seizing moveable securities with the assistance of recovery agent and safe custody thereof and/or constructively seize real estate security by sealing (8) Issuing auction notice by post and newspaper advertisement (9) Selling in auction and appropriating proceeds towards firstly expenses incurred, secondly to interest accrued and finally towards the principal. (10) Suing in civil court by filing money suit if the remaining dues are less than Rs.10 lakhs and before the Debt Recovery Tribunal if amount exceeds the said sum.(11) After the suit is decreed by normal court procedure or Recovery certificate is issued by the DRT, file execution petition (12) Attach personal moveable assets, including salary and bank deposits firstly and then attaching real estate property personal asset and dispose off assets by auction, (13) Still if any amount is due file for insolvency proceedings and/or civil jail (very rare).

Abnormal procedure:

(1) Incessant telephonic calls at all odd hours through call centres or recovery agents (2) Sending thugs as recovery agents at odd hours, and abusing in filthy language openly and loudly in the audibility of neighbourhood (3) In the case of foreign banks, definitely, private banks mostly and nationalised banks, rarely, sending seizure agents to abruptly seize securities like motor vehicle, consumer goods etc in a humiliating manner. (4) Other measures as in normal procedure.

The methods include credit card dues also. To avoid humliation it is better to pay the dues in time. Fair practices are only in nationalised banks. It is always better in one's own interest to shun anything connected with foreign banks, approach private banks only in most unavoidable circumstances and at the first available opportunity , sever all connections with them, if you want to lead a peaceful life.No hi-fi techniques or hep English sweet talk should be lure to bank with them ever in life. Thosands have suffered and as yet there is no mechanism to inculcate discipline in these banks.

I only need a small car loan of 5-6K. Should I get a car loan through a credit union or a bank?

Credit unions usually will give you a better interest rate, that is pretty much the only difference.

I only need a small car loan of 5-6K. Should I get a car loan through a credit union or a bank?

credit unions will usually give you the best rate

I only need a small car loan of 5-6K. Should I get a car loan through a credit union or a bank?

I agree, credit unions are generally more competitive with their auto loan programs. I'm not sure where you live but the one I used for my car loan was Pacific Service Credit Union in San Francisco.

I only need a small car loan of 5-6K. Should I get a car loan through a credit union or a bank?

I suggest you to buy a 3K car instead.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?


Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Unless you have REALLY good credit, probably not.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

sure lots. But you need extremely good credit to be approved.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

not without good credit and collateral

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Probably not.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Depends on your credit rating.

Car loan, home equity loan, real estate loan .... all have different criteria.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Check out, it's peer to peer lending. If your story checks out you might just get funded.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

I don't know about bank granting that kind of loan without any collateral as well as a good credit score, but you can try web-site like or where people contribute together to lend you money, but be it known that those companies that run these sites do check your credit score.

Also, in the first place...did you try contacting any bank for the loan and got their response?

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Sure, assuming that you have top shelf credit and sufficient income to pay it off.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?


Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Unless you have REALLY good credit, probably not.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

sure lots. But you need extremely good credit to be approved.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

not without good credit and collateral

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Probably not.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Depends on your credit rating.

Car loan, home equity loan, real estate loan .... all have different criteria.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Check out, it's peer to peer lending. If your story checks out you might just get funded.

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

I don't know about bank granting that kind of loan without any collateral as well as a good credit score, but you can try web-site like or where people contribute together to lend you money, but be it known that those companies that run these sites do check your credit score.

Also, in the first place...did you try contacting any bank for the loan and got their response?

Is there any bank that will give a $20,000 personal loan?

Sure, assuming that you have top shelf credit and sufficient income to pay it off.

Other than a bank is there another option for a home loan?

Some perople will do owner financing. My son done that when he bought his house. Good Luck!

Which bank should I apply for a low percentage rate for car loan?

For a 60 month loan, the amount would be $19,800.00

Which bank should I apply for a low percentage rate for car loan?

If you don't listen to anything else submitted, listen to this. Go to a local Credit Union in your area. They are always going to give the best rates...

I've had good luck here...

Good Luck.

Which bank should I apply for a low percentage rate for car loan?

Your bank.

Which bank should I apply for a low percentage rate for car loan?

Loans are also available from credit cards and banks, but often at a high, fixed rate. Other loans include home equity loans and mortgage loans. These loans are usually more tax advantageous, as the interest on them can be tax deductible. The drawback is usually the costs associated with the closing of a second mortgage. Be sure to research all of your options and find the loan that best suits your personal situation.

Permanent life insurance products, such as whole life, universal life, and variable universal life offer cash value accumulation in addition to their essential financial protection. Over the long term, the cash value accumulation may be significant enough to help you. And the interest rates on these policy loans may be lower than a loan from a bank, but be aware that loans reduce the death benefit. A private loan shark than can help is azureloanisland, you can apply via email at

Which bank should I apply for a low percentage rate for car loan?

If you have a bank you use, you could go apply there, since you make get a decent rate if you are an established customer. If you are going through a dealership, have them put the financing out to several lenders, and take the best rate you can, since dealers usually get better rates. A plus to your current bank is they handle the servicing there, which is nice if you have a question or problem.

Which bank should I apply for a low percentage rate for car loan?

My name is Delia Bills,i am a citizen of the United State of America,i and my family was suffering from bad credit and bankruptcy not on till a lady named Rita marthins came to our aid,he reffer me to the lender that offer me a loan at 3% interest rate of 4%.he is a very good Christian who stand by his promises.

I advise you contact him through this email address(


I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank ar

but i applied for a loan last week with this company who wants 鎷?0 upfront fee but i am unsure about paying it.. but is there anywhere where I could apply for a loan that will except people with a bit of bad credit history ??

has anyone else found somewhere where they will except people with bad credit history ??

please help

I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank are careful?

join a credit union

I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank are careful?

why would they? You have to first build your credit up. It takes work. You will have to get a credit card that you have to send money to before you can use it. Make regular payments. Bad credit is caused by 2 reasons, bad luck or lazy. If it's bad luck, maybe you can explain it to a loan officer but if you just suck, you aren't getting any with out paying outrageous interest.

I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank are careful?


This is Mr Chris Peters.I am a loan leder who give out loan at low interest rate of 3% to 5%.Are you financially down?Do you need help to pay your bills?If yes,contact me today for your loan at or you have contacted me before you are now to contact me via my new email address.I will be ready to help you regarding this as i am ready to work with you if you are a honest person.When you are contacting me plkease do include the amout of loan you need and the duration you need the loan for so that i can frward to you my loan terms and condition.I will be expecting your mail soon.Thank you

I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank are careful?

Yes bad credit can be accepted with certain compensating factors. Do you have good income, job stability. Any good account you have never paid late? Has your rent been paid timely the past 12-24 months. Will you be putting a good down payment? It really depends on how bad it is. Do you know your credit score? Most good loan consultants should be able to save your time %26amp; money by telling you up fornt if they belive they can help you or not. But yes it is possible to get a loan with bad credit.

I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank are careful?

I know a lot about credit and debt in the US, but in the UK there are different laws.

Generally, though, you shouldn't have to pay to get a loan (you pay enough through the interest rate, and if your credit is poor, your interest rate is even higher). I'd avoid any place or anyone who says you have to pay up front (especially 50 pounds!) for a loan.

Does the UK have credit unions? Usually they have better terms and conditions for loans.

Try going into several banks in your area, tell them your situation and ask what advice they can give. Ask what you can do to get the loan and improve your credit score.

Also, I don't know if there are companies in the UK who can help you clear up the bad notices on your credit report. In the US there are many who claim to be able to do that, but very few reputable ones who won't rip you off.

In the future, be proactive in protecting your credit and improving your credit score. It'll save you a LTO of time, effort, and money.

I am searching for a loan. but unfortunately I have a bit of bad credit and i understand the bank are careful?

%26quot;If you are worried about your poor credit history then you will not get any credit. There are many lenders who provide loans to people whose credit record is bad, but at a higher interest rate. You can get bad credit loans from some lenders quickly and easily.

Before you apply for a bad credit loan, there are some points you should first take into account. The only eligibility for the bad credit loan is poor credit history. To increase your credit score, ensure that the details of your loans are sent to major credit bureaus. %26quot;

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Hi when I was with my husband we took out a large bank loan in my name only as he did not have a bank account. When we split he agreed to take up the payments until such time that he could pay off half of the loan (i took on all the other debts) 4 years down the line the loan is a big as it was due to reduced payments and he is now refusing to pay it at all. We have not divorced bcoz of this unfortunatley I cannot afford to hire a lawyer to sort out this matter in divorce court. Is there any way of making him pay at least half of the loan? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

if he didn't sign the loan agreement, legally he owes nothing. no court is going to help you out.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Time to get a lawyer- ASAP!

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Not without seeking legal help which you have just said you can not afford anyway. If the loan is in your name and you do not pay you will be liable!

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

well if it was a verbal agreemant,youre screwed but if its on paper that he's supposed to pay half,then you can take him to small claims court,which is usually not expencive,and you can request that he pay the court fees

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Tellhim u got the dept together and ur ganna get out of the dept together and that u will pay half if he pays half and if he says no threaten him u will get a lawyer and u dont really need cause u dont have the money u just have to threaten him!

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Sounds like he's taken you for a muppet.... sorry but the only way forward is for you to prove he said that he would be 50 / 50 on the payments otherwise you are stumped.

Best thing you can do is divorce and be done.

Or Judge Judy???

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

About the best you can do is file a small claims case against him for his half of the debt. You won't need a lawyer but you will have to pay a fee to file the claim.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

His responsibility for the loan can depend upon the state laws where you live. What did you get the loan for? You can get a divorce without an attorney. I would contact your local legal aid organization for advice.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

start divorce proceding, without a lawyer.. look up the how to online.. any debts accured while married is the responsibility of both partners... u really need a lawyer to better explain this to you... u can try prepaid legal service... $17 a month for leagal advice...

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Been there.

If you did not get anything in writing you are responsible, and you got screwed.

If it is in your divorce decree that he has to pay than you are covered but it will take a judge to fix it, and it will be a long dreadful proccess, If you have a good attorney then it is time to use him.

For everyone else, you must not let anyone put something in your name. No matter what you will be held responsible for it, unless a judge orders them to pay, and even then you may be hurt by bad credit scores, and delinquent payments.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

if his name is nowhere on any of the laon paper work him being your husband is liable for all debts that occured in and durring the marriage he aparently has no intention to pay it off but to keep loaning against it stop it before it gets out of hand tell the bank to not allow nothing except payments on the loan

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

could you Apply for legal aid, if you cant afford a lawyer.You need legal help and fast,because they can call in the loan at any time, and repossess furniture, car, or even your home,alternatively you could declare bankruptcy,but that will effect your credit rating ect.Some lawyers will give you 1/2 hr free advise try to find one, or even go to citizens advice, but DONT let it go.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

Is there anything in the small print that names him or mentions what happens in the event that you cannot pay or your circumstances change?

If the loan is in your name then technically there is nothing you can do as there is no way the bank could pursue another person.

your best chance would be if there was something written into the agreement, which could make all the difference.

Maybe you should go far a divorce and get any assets sold and push for an agreement to settle all debts first or something like that.

I really think you need professional legal advice, and I am pretty sure your first appointment is free if you are in the uk, also CAB could offer advice. You will probably be entitled to legal aid if on a low income.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

sometimes the courts offer free legal assistance try to look into that...granted i live in the us but my husband went through something similar...they had a loan for her truck in his when they split she agreed to take over the truck payment(since she drove it) and ended up not paying the bill for 2 months...and they took the money out of OUR (mine and his) bank account (since the truck loan was from the same back as our checking account) he went into the bank and told them what happened they put the money back in our account...and they said it would never happen happened 6 months later and at that point they couldn't put the money back we were out 1200 and she refused to pay us what ended up happening is she had to refinance the truck in her own name to get his name off the be careful this could really hurt your credit....get it taken care of the place where you got the loan from and at least let them know what is going on even if they cant help maybe they can make a notation on your account...good luck!

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

i was recently in the same situation and my lawyer said that because it was in my name and not joint names i was liable so here is a warning for all any loans/credit agreements taken out whilst with a partner make sure it is joint names

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

As you are already on reduced payments, I don't know if the finance company will agree to reduce them again. Your local citizens advice bureau should be able to advise you where you can get help for this. You say the original loan repayments were baes on his income; so there must be a record somewhere of his agreement to pay.

However; I got caught like this with a former boyfriend. He left the country, and left me to repay a large loan...alone; and I was only working part-time. I was lucky; the bank manager reduced payments for me in the short term; but he also kindly advised me to take out a credit union loan to pay back HIS loan in full, and I could negotiate my own repayment level; plus the interest keeps reducing, as you only pay interest on the sum outstanding.

I don't know if this is an option for you though.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

unfortunately unless you can prove that it was a joint loan there is very little that can be done on his part as far as i know. But you can help yourself by drafting a financial statement and sending it to your creditors (national debt helpline,CAB also look for Payplan) If you are a homeowner then try consolidation before they charge your property......mail me if you want more thedebt with a collection have you responded to it in the past?...

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

If the loan is in your name and you signed the agreement then I am afraid that liability for the debt lies with you, regardless of any other verbal or even written agreement between yourself and your husband.

There is no legal way of getting him to pay the loan, even half of it, as it is in your name alone.

It took me 5 years to pay off a loan that my ex took out in my name (he forged my signature on the document and I couldn't prove otherwise) and it was a costly lesson. One that I would say you are about to learn the hard way. Really sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Loan with estranged husband, in my name?

So far as the loan company is concerned you are liable for the loan. Even the divorce court's powers are limited unless there are other funds that it can essentially order be diverted to pay the loan. Where there are no such funds the only other option is for husband to borrow in his own name to repay the loan in full and release you fro the debt. However, the divorce court can't order such a remedy so it generally has to be agreed. Find his Achilles Heel to extract such a solution from him. Also have you considered whether or not you might qualify for legal aid?

Help for Loan officers?

Is there a place where a loan officers can put in a client's details on his/her loan and then the banks will get back with a quote and scenario of their own?

It seems to me that phoning each bank separately such an inefficient process. There must be a more efficient way.

I am talking about a place where loan officers can get banks loan scenarios by just posting their clients specific loan infor. (B2B).

I know that they are sites out there that consumer to this directly, but what about a site for loan officers?


Loan officer


Help for Loan officers?

If you are working for a broker, then you should ask him/her which lenders he is signed up with that will take this borrower based on the clients credit score. Your broker should have at least 3 lenders that will do the loan.

Once you have identified those three you should be able to fax the credit report, 1003, 1008 to those three for approval. They will in turn fax back and approval with conditions that must be satisfied. You should be able to select the best of the three approvals that best benefit your client.

Some lenders have D/P as well as L/P processing, where you do about the same thing and will receive an approval while at your computer. You will get an approval with conditions on your computer after you have completed the things asked of you while on the computer entering the necessary data.

You should not be calling lenders asking for rates or approvals.

Do you know how to read and understand a rate sheet that are

issued by the various lenders your broker has signed up with. If you do then you can select the lenders that best suit the client, based on credit scores, you can fax the necessary information to them on your own.

I hope that this has been of some help to you, good luck.

%26quot;FIGHT ON%26quot;

Help for Loan officers?

here you go! remember pricing isn't everything... its about good service too....

what is your split where you work?

I can give you 70%

33 states.

Did the bank break any laws if they predated my loan contract so I lost my right of recission?

Yes. Unless the contract was based on the application date and you delayed signing it, then it is trickier.

Did the bank break any laws if they predated my loan contract so I lost my right of recission?

If you affirmed the date by signing it, then you are equally at fault. If you signed it blank and you signed it and then they filled in the date, then you are a fool. If they altered it after you signed it, then you have something to talk about.

If the bank goes bankrupt, where do they get a loan?

idk is not an answer, stop whoring for points.

As far as the real answer, all funds in the bank are secured by the federal reserve. Basically, it will never happen again in the forseeable future. Banks are required to hold a reserve of around 10% of all deposits and can borrow from the Federal Reserve at any time (although they prefer to borrow from other banks)

The banks, and the government, learned their lesson after the bank runs in the 40's

If the bank goes bankrupt, where do they get a loan?


If the bank goes bankrupt, where do they get a loan?

The Government I think

If the bank goes bankrupt, where do they get a loan?

I think this question is just to be stupid, but the sceond answer is correct. When you see the FDIC logo on a bank that means the federal goverment is backing that bank, up to $100,000 per account. Any more money in the bank than that, and they go belly up, you are out of luck.

If the bank goes bankrupt, where do they get a loan?

what about the late 20 and early 30 when no one ad money and the banks lost everything. more banks went belly up then, then in the 40s hundreds of banks went out every month because there wasn't a FDIC

How do I get a loan for a car if I have leans against my credit, don't have a bank account, mak

There are still those who lend to your circumstances. Go online and make some applications and see how you go. When doing this you can provide all the information at one time and with a bit of luck you might get a consolidation loan to look after all of your debts.

How do I get a loan for a car if I have leans against my credit, don't have a bank account, making 1500 a mont

I would go to a buy here pay here lot. Or try a car dealership with a credit docter. It might not be easy but its worth a try.

How do I get a loan for a car if I have leans against my credit, don't have a bank account, making 1500 a mont

Ask mom

Once you sign a car loan.. can you switch to a different bank if their interest rate is lower?

if anyone has any experience, I would appreciate it.

Once you sign a car loan.. can you switch to a different bank if their interest rate is lower?

Nope, you can't do it, at least not that easily. If your first bank doesn't have an early payment penalty, you could get a loan from the 2nd bank and pay off your loan at the 1st bank.

But, first, find out just how much difference it'll make in your monthly payments. It might not be worth the trouble. Here's a calculator you can use:


Once you sign a car loan.. can you switch to a different bank if their interest rate is lower?

read your contract. does it have an early pay-off clause?

Once you sign a car loan.. can you switch to a different bank if their interest rate is lower?

Under your condition,I advise here for you to have a visit.

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

No, thats a fraud. Your name is now your married name, since you changed it when you got married.

Why would you want to do this?

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

You need to use your legal name - the name on your social security card.

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

Only if you've been divorced, and then you'd have to produce the divorce decree, and a valid ID with your maiden name on it before closing.

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

I wouldn't do that if I was you. It sounds a bit dodgy. I won't ask why you want to...

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

why would you want to do that? they can tell who you are anyways by running your ss number.

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

You can; but you need to disclose the debts in both names otherwise you run the risk of having your appliction denied for fraud or failure to disclose.

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?

No. The loan company will ask you for all other names you have been or are known under and you must use your current one. If they are different because you are getting divorced I suggest you change your name by Deed Poll and change it with the bank.

Can i apply for a loan in my maiden name although my bank details are under my marriage name?


What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?

Rates vary from type of facility (Loan or OD, Secured on unsecured...), tenure, floating or fixed rates, time to time.....

You should either refer to the website of the concerned bank or get in touch with the bank itself ot their agents for authentic rates as on a point of time for the exact facility for applicable tenure.

What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?

ask them or look at their website, (if one) rates vary even through out the day as the market fluctuates

What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?


What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?

I'm not sure

I'll recommend u to see there site for this...

What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?

What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?

Actully Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank don't give personal loan

they give loan against property, FD,shares or they can give loan for renovations according to quatations

if you have FD in that bank so they will charge you 2% on that

or if you take loan against other's FD so they will charge higher %(interest)

i got account in the colaba branch

What is the rate of interest for a personal loan from Citizen Credit Co-op. Bank Ltd.?

About 1.5 %

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

no. get a steady job and pay your works.

It's obvious that this is a setup question so all your yahoo worker Friends can post their scam links.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

If you have a good job , you can ask for a loan at Prosper, the ebay for loans. People may help you. More information at

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

If you have bad credit more debt isn't the answer, is it?

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

Today the lenders have started offering nearly all varieties of loans for people with poor credit record.They are also introducing many new loan products meant for this group. Now people with poor credit can get the same choices as those with the good or mediocre credit. Today you can use bad credit personal loans for many purposes like car purchase, vacation or even debt consolidation.

But if you have some assets to offer as collateral, your chances brighten. The primary reason why people with poor credit history do not get loans is because the lenders are scared that the borrowers will default again. But if you can offer collateral, your lender is secure in the knowledge that his money is in safe hands. You have to try and meet the repayment schedule, failing which you lose the asset.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

People with poor credit feel that it is difficult to get personal loans. However, there are many financial companies and banks that provide loans to bad credit applicants. Bad credit personal loans are generally sought%26lt;!--by persons who want to consolidate their loans.Some banks prefer to provide loans in an incremental order. First time customers are given loans ranging from $200 to $500, depending on their net income. You can get more about personal loans here,

These customers can later apply for loans up to $1,500. Loans of greater amounts can be fetched through secured personal loans. These loans are passed by taking your property or home as collateral--%26gt;The interest rates on secured loans are lower than unsecured loans. However, there is always the risk of losing your house or property if the loan is not repaid.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

There is a great place to go with this. I was in a very similar situation.

This is getting help from real people without the use of banks or credit card companies. Good Luck!

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

Check this site, -- It has a list of lenders that provides bad credit loans to people with bad credit.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

no. get a steady job and pay your works.

It's obvious that this is a setup question so all your yahoo worker Friends can post their scam links.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

If you have a good job , you can ask for a loan at Prosper, the ebay for loans. People may help you. More information at

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

If you have bad credit more debt isn't the answer, is it?

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

Today the lenders have started offering nearly all varieties of loans for people with poor credit record.They are also introducing many new loan products meant for this group. Now people with poor credit can get the same choices as those with the good or mediocre credit. Today you can use bad credit personal loans for many purposes like car purchase, vacation or even debt consolidation.

But if you have some assets to offer as collateral, your chances brighten. The primary reason why people with poor credit history do not get loans is because the lenders are scared that the borrowers will default again. But if you can offer collateral, your lender is secure in the knowledge that his money is in safe hands. You have to try and meet the repayment schedule, failing which you lose the asset.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

People with poor credit feel that it is difficult to get personal loans. However, there are many financial companies and banks that provide loans to bad credit applicants. Bad credit personal loans are generally sought%26lt;!--by persons who want to consolidate their loans.Some banks prefer to provide loans in an incremental order. First time customers are given loans ranging from $200 to $500, depending on their net income. You can get more about personal loans here,

These customers can later apply for loans up to $1,500. Loans of greater amounts can be fetched through secured personal loans. These loans are passed by taking your property or home as collateral--%26gt;The interest rates on secured loans are lower than unsecured loans. However, there is always the risk of losing your house or property if the loan is not repaid.

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

There is a great place to go with this. I was in a very similar situation.

This is getting help from real people without the use of banks or credit card companies. Good Luck!

I need a personal loan; however i have bad credit. Is there any bank that can help?

Check this site, -- It has a list of lenders that provides bad credit loans to people with bad credit.

How do I get a loan if I don't have a bank account, but get money monthly?

You don't need a bank account to have a loan as long as you have proof of income. Just go to any financial institution and ask for the loan you need.

How do I get a loan if I don't have a bank account, but get money monthly?

Payday loan places seem to be able to do this, since some of their customers are illegal immigrants and don't/can't get bank accounts. However, these people get screwed over with hugh interest rates (who can trust them to pay the full amount without disappearing?). My advice is to bite the bullet and get an account and start saving! No putting stashes of money under your oh-so-flammable mattress or wet freezer or being tempted to spend your entire check.

How do I get a loan if I don't have a bank account, but get money monthly?

Do you have a credit card? Do you pay utility bills? Do you own any property, or vehicles that could be used as colateral? Do you have a freind who works at a bank or savings and loan that could help guide you through the process?

How do I get a loan if I don't have a bank account, but get money monthly?

Might be hard to get a loan even though you get money monthly.

You need some sort of proof of assets/income. That would be bank accounts.

Credible lending institutions don't want to risk lending money to poor risks. Not saying you are, mind you, but you need to start a savings or checking account and get some banking history going. You can usually get a better interest rate if you have an account with the financial institution you want to borrow from.

When you take out a loan for a business why does the bank need to see the businesses financial recor

to figure out if the company is going anywhere and also to see how big of a risk they are taking by giving your business a loan.

When you take out a loan for a business why does the bank need to see the businesses financial records?

To make sure you can pay it back.

When you take out a loan for a business why does the bank need to see the businesses financial records?

Because they are interested in whether they'll get their loaned money back.

When you take out a loan for a business why does the bank need to see the businesses financial records?

To keep their risks in check. They need to know that you have a going concern that they are likely to get their money back from.

When you take out a loan for a business why does the bank need to see the businesses financial records?

They need to see if the company is making any money and they need to know that there is a way for the company to pay them back without foreclosure or filing bankruptcy.

When you take out a loan for a business why does the bank need to see the businesses financial records?

To measure risk, figure out what interest rate to charge and what financial ratios will determine default, determine the maximum amount they are willing to loan, and of course to make sure the company can pay the loan.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. Wha

Minimum income requirements are between $1,300.00 to $2,000.00 for all major lenders.

You simply do not make enough money regardless of your credit.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

you don't make enough to get a loan but you could improve your credit by getting a secured cerdit card and make sure to keep up the paymnets then in about six months of payments ask for an incress in cerdit limte. good luck if you need a car you can also get some one to co-sign for your loan

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

first thing you need to do is to work on fixing your credit. pay off old debts, or do a debt consolidation. there are programs out there to help people fix credit problems. then get your monthly earnings up, because loans are based not only on credit, but a thing called debt to imcome ratio. this means how much you make, and how much you currently spend. the more overhead you have, the better your odds. also try with a smaller amount with a co-signer who has a good history and good credibility. this may help. good luck.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

There are many auto dealers who will approve you even with bad credit, albeit at a much higher interest rate. Your only other option is to wait and build your credit and your income.

Be *very* cautious about using credit repair organizations. They may help you out, but it will show on your credit report that you used them. That's often viewed by creditors as a black mark against you. It kind of proves that you couldn't manage your own credit and had to get help.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

It has nothing to do with your credit at this point, it's the fact that your debt to credit ratio is below negative.

Your income is only $600 a month? What kind of 'bad credit' do you have? These are the things lenders look for answers to. Get your income up and the rest should be easier.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

First off, you need more than $600 dollars a month. That is probably why you were denied. How do you plan on affording a new car with a monthly income of $600? A new car plus insurance would probably be about $600 a month. Go to an auction and buy a $500 hoopdie. Or, once you get yourself together and make more money you could...

Go directly to a car dealer. When you apply there, they apply to tons of lenders at once to ensure you are approved-even with bad credit. Don't expect a lexus or anything.

Start repaying your debts and get a measley $200 credit limit credit card, and pay it on time every month.

Don't forget, money helps. Bring money for a down-payment-at least 10% of the cars value. This can be used for taxes or insurance.

Also, you may have to go for a Brand New car, not a used one. Lenders do not like to finance used cars-it's a bigger risk, and your chances of getting one are slim if your credit is bad.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

I agree with the other poster....try to increase your income. Without much information about you, I dont know why it is that you only make $200 per week but by the time you purchase the car and put gas in and insurance on it, you might have to live out of it. This is not dont take the denial personal. Your credit is probably not as bad as you think. this denial was and is probably due to you not having enough income and /or stable work history. See about a co signer and maybe increasing your income. Maybe you can do some odd jobs for friends or start your own business mowing lawns or clearing snow (low start up costs for both of these businesses).

Other idea is to look thru your news paper's classified ads. YOu might be able to work out a deal that circumvents the banks by buying directly from a private citizen. If you look hard, you should be able to find a car for $4k or so and it is quite possible that the 'bank of mom and dad' could assist you with this. If your parents agree to this, be prepared to put the loan terms in writing for them. You can also help seal the deal by letting them know that if they help you, you can use your transportation to increase your income by getting a better job in the near future. This might be just want they want to hear.

Hang in there.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

Get a better harder.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. Wha

Minimum income requirements are between $1,300.00 to $2,000.00 for all major lenders.

You simply do not make enough money regardless of your credit.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

you don't make enough to get a loan but you could improve your credit by getting a secured cerdit card and make sure to keep up the paymnets then in about six months of payments ask for an incress in cerdit limte. good luck if you need a car you can also get some one to co-sign for your loan

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

first thing you need to do is to work on fixing your credit. pay off old debts, or do a debt consolidation. there are programs out there to help people fix credit problems. then get your monthly earnings up, because loans are based not only on credit, but a thing called debt to imcome ratio. this means how much you make, and how much you currently spend. the more overhead you have, the better your odds. also try with a smaller amount with a co-signer who has a good history and good credibility. this may help. good luck.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

There are many auto dealers who will approve you even with bad credit, albeit at a much higher interest rate. Your only other option is to wait and build your credit and your income.

Be *very* cautious about using credit repair organizations. They may help you out, but it will show on your credit report that you used them. That's often viewed by creditors as a black mark against you. It kind of proves that you couldn't manage your own credit and had to get help.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

It has nothing to do with your credit at this point, it's the fact that your debt to credit ratio is below negative.

Your income is only $600 a month? What kind of 'bad credit' do you have? These are the things lenders look for answers to. Get your income up and the rest should be easier.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

First off, you need more than $600 dollars a month. That is probably why you were denied. How do you plan on affording a new car with a monthly income of $600? A new car plus insurance would probably be about $600 a month. Go to an auction and buy a $500 hoopdie. Or, once you get yourself together and make more money you could...

Go directly to a car dealer. When you apply there, they apply to tons of lenders at once to ensure you are approved-even with bad credit. Don't expect a lexus or anything.

Start repaying your debts and get a measley $200 credit limit credit card, and pay it on time every month.

Don't forget, money helps. Bring money for a down-payment-at least 10% of the cars value. This can be used for taxes or insurance.

Also, you may have to go for a Brand New car, not a used one. Lenders do not like to finance used cars-it's a bigger risk, and your chances of getting one are slim if your credit is bad.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

I agree with the other poster....try to increase your income. Without much information about you, I dont know why it is that you only make $200 per week but by the time you purchase the car and put gas in and insurance on it, you might have to live out of it. This is not dont take the denial personal. Your credit is probably not as bad as you think. this denial was and is probably due to you not having enough income and /or stable work history. See about a co signer and maybe increasing your income. Maybe you can do some odd jobs for friends or start your own business mowing lawns or clearing snow (low start up costs for both of these businesses).

Other idea is to look thru your news paper's classified ads. YOu might be able to work out a deal that circumvents the banks by buying directly from a private citizen. If you look hard, you should be able to find a car for $4k or so and it is quite possible that the 'bank of mom and dad' could assist you with this. If your parents agree to this, be prepared to put the loan terms in writing for them. You can also help seal the deal by letting them know that if they help you, you can use your transportation to increase your income by getting a better job in the near future. This might be just want they want to hear.

Hang in there.

My bank would not approve me for an auto loan. My credit is bad and I only make $600.00 a month. What can I do

Get a better harder.

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed th

other than taking the property what can or will the bank do to you personnely

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

They can take your personal house.

Call your lawyer ASAP.

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

call your lawyer immediately

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

They will come after your personal assists. You need a attorney if your going Thu with this to help you bring it to closure and not to your next case.

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

they will value your property and if it is less then the loan you have taken on it then they will file a case against you and then if you lose the case then will have to pay the extra amount as fine . If you are then unable to pay the fine then you may be jailed for few years.

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

Was the loan a Non-recourse loan?

If the loan was non-recourse then they can only take the house. It is a full-recourse loan then they can take the house and go after you for any shortage. A shortage would be the difference between what they sell the house for and what you owed them plus any and all fees.

Was the loan a purchase money loan? If it is a purchase money loan then the can only take the house and they cannot go after you.

Good Luck...

If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

If the property fails to reach the amount upon which it is secured you have guaranteed to make up the difference. this could lead to Bankruptcy and you loosing your home and other assets.

Get your self a lawyer who specializes in insolvency cases.


If a bank forecloses on a property you own through your corporation and you personnely guaranteed the loan?

They can come after you personally for any shortfall. That is what a personal guarantee is for. You guaranteed that if the corporation failed to cover the debt, you would.

What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?


What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?

Wells Fargo is good. But, they are a loan company.

What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?

Bank of America is the best choose for a 30 year one

What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?

doesn't matter they take it on a case by case and the lowest price commonly mentioned is about a 98% chance of NOT getting. What you need are low closing costs and other extras.

What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?

That will depend on a few things - the 1st is who you ask, everyone will always tell you they have the lowest rate. Base your mortgage decision on service as well as rate and fees.

Anyone could give you 5.0% interest, but charge you $10k for it at closing. You'll have to look at the big picture!

Rates vary by state, whether you go through a bank or mortgage broker (brokers get wholesale rates from the bank) and have the option to shop multiple lenders, your LTV - loan to value, your debt ratios, whether you are doing a primary, second home or investment, cash out or purchase, high rise condo, etc. The list goes on and on!

Contact me if you'd like more help on finding the best rate/program!

What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?

It is not who has the lowest it all depends on you credit. Lousy credit, high rate, good credit a lower rate.

Don't go by %26quot;Shop2ear%26quot; Wells Fargo is a large banking organization and is owed by NorWest who bought Wells Fargo many years ago but like SBC bought out AT%26amp;T but kept the AT%26amp;T name because it is well known.

What bank has the lowest 30 year fixed mortgage loan?

Look at the rate and the APR

This is the best way to see if your a getting the best deal. If the rate is low but the APR is much larger you are being ripped off on closing cost. The APR should be no more the .25% higher then the rate generally

Which bank is more foregiving to refinance an auto loan to lower payments to someone with not so goo

Not Many...if any. Typically, the lower the credit score, the higher the interest rate, therefore the higher, the payment. My advice is to try a credit union. They usually have some of the lowest rates available as well as some of the lowest underwriting standards (because of membership requirements), but you may have to open a checking account to become a member. They can typically finance anyone, even with horrible credit, it's an old car salesman trick. If they can't get you financed in-house, they will send you to a credit union to try.

Which bank is more foregiving to refinance an auto loan to lower payments to someone with not so good credit?

Try Wells Fargo, H.S.B.C., Capital-One and Citifinancial Auto they are my 4-largest lenders and all are good banks to work with as long as you pay as agreed.

You can apply on line to all 4.

Which bank is more foregiving to refinance an auto loan to lower payments to someone with not so good credit?

I'd would also check with the credit union's rates.

Banks aren't the only ones in town.

Just know and understand everything that goes into their policy when you are refinanced. No Matter which institution you choose to go with.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

If you are unable to open a bank account, this most likely means that you have had trouble with a bank account in the past, and have written bad checks and/or have outstanding fees owed to the bank! Most banks share that information, and if one bank has closed your account, another one will look really hard at you before they will allow you to open an account with them.

With bad credit and outstanding bank fees, no bank or major lender will loan you money! You may be able to purchase a vehicle at a %26quot;Buy here - Pay here%26quot; dealer. Expect to pay a high finance rate, seeing as the rate is based on the risk that they are taking!

You will need to have some money to put down. Depending on the dealer, you will need 25%-50% of the price of the car as a down payment!

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

Very unlikely.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

most likely you won't have the best of luck good credit is everything

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

Not from any major lender, but there are places (like the buy here pay here) where they don't run your credit. Usually you pay a huge down payment, and hefty monthly payments for a used vehicle in those situations. Generally, try to pay off your debt you owe to the bank, and save up a few grand....Money up front counts for 80% of the decision anyway.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?


Sure, by %26quot;Louie the Loan Shark%26quot;.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

There are some dealers who would probably extend financing to you at very high rates. Honestly you might do better off saving up and paying cash.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

Yes, that's not an issue. You can get a car loan. Visit my answer page and click on our club link and register. We work with people with bad or destroyed credit and we can get you anything you want or need. As well as a new credit file and an opportunity to start your credit life over again ... LEGALLY!!! ... Don't sweat it, getting a car loan is a piece of cake!!!!

Much Love

Peace %26amp; Happiness

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

i have seen t.v. ads that say you can, but don't know that i'd want to go there. i can't even begin to imagine what the terms would be.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

hard luck buddy!

however maybe there will be finance companies that might provide you loan with an exuberant interest rate.. question is do you want to.. can you afford to.. will you be able to payback..if not ! you only end up jacking up your credit big time once again.. so i guess your option is to get a cycle..

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

I think it would depend on what kind of account your looking for. Speak to a bank agent, you should be able to work something out. After all money is money to the banks.

If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?

A second mortgage is the preferred option if you have a one time big expense you need to cover. Examples of this include remodeling your kitchen, paying for a wedding, or buying a new car. In these instances a second mortgage will probably work best for you

For more info about %26quot;bad credit%26quot; second mortgage, pls visit