If you are unable to open a bank account, this most likely means that you have had trouble with a bank account in the past, and have written bad checks and/or have outstanding fees owed to the bank! Most banks share that information, and if one bank has closed your account, another one will look really hard at you before they will allow you to open an account with them.
With bad credit and outstanding bank fees, no bank or major lender will loan you money! You may be able to purchase a vehicle at a %26quot;Buy here - Pay here%26quot; dealer. Expect to pay a high finance rate, seeing as the rate is based on the risk that they are taking!
You will need to have some money to put down. Depending on the dealer, you will need 25%-50% of the price of the car as a down payment!
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
Very unlikely.
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
most likely you won't have the best of luck good credit is everything
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
Not from any major lender, but there are places (like the buy here pay here) where they don't run your credit. Usually you pay a huge down payment, and hefty monthly payments for a used vehicle in those situations. Generally, try to pay off your debt you owe to the bank, and save up a few grand....Money up front counts for 80% of the decision anyway.
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
Sure, by %26quot;Louie the Loan Shark%26quot;.
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
There are some dealers who would probably extend financing to you at very high rates. Honestly you might do better off saving up and paying cash.
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
Yes, that's not an issue. You can get a car loan. Visit my answer page and click on our club link and register. We work with people with bad or destroyed credit and we can get you anything you want or need. As well as a new credit file and an opportunity to start your credit life over again ... LEGALLY!!! ... Don't sweat it, getting a car loan is a piece of cake!!!!
Much Love
Peace %26amp; Happiness
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
i have seen t.v. ads that say you can, but don't know that i'd want to go there. i can't even begin to imagine what the terms would be.
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
hard luck buddy!
however maybe there will be finance companies that might provide you loan with an exuberant interest rate.. question is do you want to.. can you afford to.. will you be able to payback..if not ! you only end up jacking up your credit big time once again.. so i guess your option is to get a cycle..
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
I think it would depend on what kind of account your looking for. Speak to a bank agent, you should be able to work something out. After all money is money to the banks.
If you have bad credit and are unable to open a bank account can you get a car loan ?
A second mortgage is the preferred option if you have a one time big expense you need to cover. Examples of this include remodeling your kitchen, paying for a wedding, or buying a new car. In these instances a second mortgage will probably work best for you
For more info about %26quot;bad credit%26quot; second mortgage, pls visit
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