Is there a place where a loan officers can put in a client's details on his/her loan and then the banks will get back with a quote and scenario of their own?
It seems to me that phoning each bank separately such an inefficient process. There must be a more efficient way.
I am talking about a place where loan officers can get banks loan scenarios by just posting their clients specific loan infor. (B2B).
I know that they are sites out there that consumer to this directly, but what about a site for loan officers?
Loan officer
Help for Loan officers?
If you are working for a broker, then you should ask him/her which lenders he is signed up with that will take this borrower based on the clients credit score. Your broker should have at least 3 lenders that will do the loan.
Once you have identified those three you should be able to fax the credit report, 1003, 1008 to those three for approval. They will in turn fax back and approval with conditions that must be satisfied. You should be able to select the best of the three approvals that best benefit your client.
Some lenders have D/P as well as L/P processing, where you do about the same thing and will receive an approval while at your computer. You will get an approval with conditions on your computer after you have completed the things asked of you while on the computer entering the necessary data.
You should not be calling lenders asking for rates or approvals.
Do you know how to read and understand a rate sheet that are
issued by the various lenders your broker has signed up with. If you do then you can select the lenders that best suit the client, based on credit scores, you can fax the necessary information to them on your own.
I hope that this has been of some help to you, good luck.
%26quot;FIGHT ON%26quot;
Help for Loan officers?
here you go! remember pricing isn't everything... its about good service too....
what is your split where you work?
I can give you 70%
33 states.
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